Gov’t To Improve Quality Education In Rural Areas- Deputy Education Minister Hints

Gov’t To Improve Quality Education In Rural Areas- Deputy Education Minister Hints

Deputy Minister for Education, Gifty Twum Ampofo has affirmed that the government is putting frantic measures in place to improve quality education in all Junior High Schools in the rural areas.

She said basic schools in the rural areas rarely get access to teaching materials that make teaching understandable.

“Some Junior High School students in the rural areas don’t even have access to computers so after completing J.H.S, they find it difficult to cope with the SHS studies,” she revealed to Oheneba Nana Asiedu.

The Deputy Minister of Education hinted that, government is also making efforts to establish a model Junior High School which will be very much equipped with teaching and learning materials to facilitate teaching and learning and help the JHS students to be abreast with the SHS studies.

She said the introduction of the model JHS would help the primary schools get adequate infrastructure for learning.

She, however, appealed to teachers, Regional Directors and District Directors to be devoted to the teaching.

Hon. Gifty Twum Ampofo urged the teachers to take the profession as their bonafide property and help the dyslexic students.

She noted that teachers are endowed with numerous skills and for that matter they should get impact on the lives of the poor students.

“We are trying to work on the personality and leadership on the individual,” she said.

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