Ghana Is Always Progressive, Prosperous Under NPP – Former Canadian PM

Ghana Is Always Progressive, Prosperous Under NPP – Former Canadian PM

The 22nd Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, has touted the achievements of the New Patriotic Party, NPP, saying it is one of the most democratic entities in Africa.

According to him, the NPP has promoted the rule of law, free elections and continental free trade, anytime the party assumed the reins of governance.

He indicated that the conduct of the NPP has made it an example on the African scene.

Speaking at a public lecture held in Accra by the Young Democrat Union of Africa (YDUA) themed: “Democracy and Geo-Politics: A Global Perspective on the Changing Dynamics of International Order,” Mr. Harper mentioned that the party advances progress when it is in power.

“Since the advent of the Fourth Republic, Ghana has become a different and very special kind of (democratic) model for Africa, one more in keeping with the international model of freedom and justice.

“Ghana is a safer, progressive and increasingly prosperous free democratic country under the NPP in particular,” news portal Ghana News Agency quoted Mr. Stephen Harper as saying.

He added that political parties constitute an integral part of democracy stating that, “any vibrant democracy has a strong centre-right party that is a strong party of conservatism which is arguably democracies of the philosophy”.

Mr. Harper said that International Democratic Union (IDU) which he chairs in partnership with YDUA were organisations that helped in the development of political parties as well.

He stressed that Ghana was acting in conformity with what IDU was founded to defend and promote.

“The event by YDUA is one example of revitalization of the Democratic Union Africa (DUA) that has been witnessed over the past seven years and Ghana’s role in that revitalization and the world should not be a surprise that Ghana is playing a leading role in Africa,” he said.

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