Ghana And Burkina Faso Agree To Reaffirm Boundary

The Ghana Boundary Commission and the Boundary Commission of Burkina Faso have agreed to reaffirm all destroyed boundary pillars along their international boundary by restoring them to their former state.

At the end of a two-day meeting in the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, the two countries also agreed to establish a joint technical committee and sub-committees to work on the reaffirmation of the common land boundary.

The parties agreed to compile and share existing legacy documents of boundary pillars and also conduct joint reconnaissance along the common international boundary line as part of the reaffirmation.

Ghana and Burkina Faso agree to reaffirm boundary
Major General Emmanuel Kotia and Salamatu Dabal exchanging the signed agreement

The two countries also agreed to produce a map of existing and reaffirmed pillars, develop a new boundary pillars document of the reaffirmed boundary line in English and French and embark on sensitisation of border communities before and during the reaffirmation exercise.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the two-day meeting, National Coordinator of the Ghana Boundary Commission, Major General Emmanuel Kotia said the reaffirmation exercise and the subsequent sensitization of the local communities will help prevent boundary disputes.

Ghana and Burkina Faso agree to reaffirm boundary

He said, “ there are a lot of advantages in doing this, one it will prevent a lot of boundary disputes. We need to understand that the local communities along the boundary lines of Ghana and Burkina Faso are not aware of where the markings are because the markings are very far.”

“But with the reaffirmation which will be done alongside sensitization, the people will get an understanding of where the international boundary line is. It will give clarity to where Ghana and Burkina Faso boundary is.”

Permanent Secretary of the National Boundary Commission of Burkina Faso Salamatu Dabal says both countries will work together to ensure what has been agreed on paper is achieved. GIZ through the African Union.

Ghana and Burkina Faso agree to reaffirm boundary
Major General Emmanuel Kotia presenting a plaque to the Head of the Boundary Commission of Burkina Faso.

Border Programme provided funding for the meeting. Major General Emmanuel Kotia appealed to GIZ to consider the possibility of funding the reaffirmation exercise under the Framework of the African Union Border Programme.

ECOWAS component Manager, GIZ/African Union Border Programme, Dr Sanou Bakary Says reaffirmation exercises are very important in preventing disputes.

The heads of the Ghana Boundary Commission and the Boundary Commission of Burkina Faso signed and exchanged the agreement after the two-day meeting. Major General Emmanuel Kotia presented a plaque to the head of the Burkina Faso Boundary Commission.

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