Getting The Exact Characters That I Want To Play Is My Biggest Challenge- Salma Mumin

Multiple award winning Ghanaian actress Abdul Mumin Umu Salma Tando popularly known as Salma Mumin, has highlighted the fact that she is unable to get the characters or role she of her choice as one of her major challenges she faces in her acting career.

Speaking on Movement Showbiz with Shatta Michy on Friday, 9TH September, 2022, the talented actress was of the view that producers and actors should not limit people’s acting prowess to their looks.

She said, ”Getting the exact characters I would like to play in films. it is a challenge because you cant control what the director has in store for you talk less of what you’re going to play so you’ll find yourself in a position yearning to play certain roles that you don’t get to play them, because on the outside a producer could see you to have these looks and for that matter you’re only meant for this particular role.”

video below….


By wontumionline