GCPP To Drag NDC To Court If Mahama Occupies 2nd Position In The Elections- Chairman Omar

GCPP To Drag NDC To Court If Mahama Occupies 2nd Position In The Elections- Chairman Omar

Ashanti Regional Chairman of the Great Consolidated Popular Party(GCPP), Kofi Owusu Omar, has once again descended heavily on John Mahama and his NDC saying that “the former President is very incompetent and lacks credibility and the worst among the other Presidential aspirants.”

He said that, John Mahama and his NDC have no better policies that can be used to develop the country and that, the GCPP will drag them to court to challenge their position if they place second after the NPP.

He noted on Wontumi Radio/TV Morning Show  that, “history would repeat itself as a political party not satisfied with an election result going to court to seek redress This is what will happen if the NDC places second. It would be the second time that an election result has been sent to the Supreme Court.”

The first time an election results was sent to the Supreme court was in 2012 when the NPP lost the election under dubious circumstances in that famous election petition trial.

“We know NPP are run away winners in the elections already but GCPP and other parties will fight for the other positions.” He stressed

According to the GCPP Chairman, “what will only let them shelve any such plan is for the NDC to occupy the bottom of the winners table..”

However, Chairman Omar taunted that, “if the NDC even place 10th it will be doubtful.
If not a compliment .” He said .

Mr. Omar took a swipe at John Mahama for his legalization of Okada and his comments to de-legalize it and said it’s strange for the former President to behave that way.
“With this attitude why won’t your “younger brother”. Dr Bawumia describe you as incompetent? You really deserve the punch.”

Meanwhile the GCPP Chairman has called on Ghanaians to be fearless and go out and vote on the election day because no one can cause any form of disturbances to derail the process..

He appealed to the electorate to vote massively for Nana Akufo-Addo and also vote for the GCPP as well.

“I’m advising that half of the NDC supporters who have crossed carpet to the NPP should vote for the GCPP. We are dividing it equally after all we have become partners . Half should vote for NPP and half should also vote for GCPP.” He further appealed

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