Francis Adomako Congratulates Ashanti Delegates For Electing Good Leaders.

Francis Adomako, Ashanti Regional Organiser for the New Patriotic Party (NPP)

The Ashanti Regional Organiser for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Francis Adomako has congratulated delegates from the Ashanti who participated in last Saturday’s National executive elections.

He said the delegates demonstrated true faith and allegiance to candidates who were from the Ashanti Region.

Speaking to the Ghanaian Observer Newspaper, Mr Adomako said the endorsement of Henry Nana Boakye and Justin Frimpong Kodua as National Organiser and General Secretary respectively proved that they believed in the capabilities of their own.

“I humbly ask that as members of the NPP we provide same kind of support to the elected national officers so that they could work to deliver on the mandates they swore to the party ahead of the elections”, Mr Adomako stated.

Mr Adomako has also advised elected national executives to display high level of service to the NPP.

This, he noted would be the only justification of the confidence reposed in them by the delegates and members of the party.

The verdict delivered at the just national conference,  Mr Adomako said was ample testimony that members of the party were not happy with the performance of the previous officers.

“I believe the verdict by delegates of the NPP at last Saturday’s conference puts on the new elected officers a task to deliver without wavering better outcomes that would be beneficial to the party”, the original organiser stressed.

Mr Adomako stated the NPP party has two years and five months as government to deliver on its second term mandate.

This he noted puts pressure on the party and government to fulfill promises made to the electorate.

He, therefore, called for unity within its rank and file so that with a collective force they could support the government deliver on the rest of its mandate.

“I believe we can work hard to fulfill all our promises as a party in government and by that, we will be able to break the 8-year governing cycle and bring relief to the Ghanaian public”, Mr Adomako intimated with passion.


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