#FillGPLCentres: We Need To Restore Traditional Clubs Back To Glory – Mawuko Afadzinu

Marketing professional Mawuko Afadzinu has revealed getting the traditional clubs to the heights they belong could be a way of making the Ghana Premier League attractive again.

Unlike some years ago, Ghana’s top fight has failed to deliver the excitement it possesses and the competition fans desire which has led to the low patronage of the league.

According to Afadzinu, who also serves as the President of the Ghana Table Tennis Association, the Premier League’s level and patronage have dropped due to the traditional clubs underperforming.

Asante Kotoko and Hearts of Oak have won the league once each in the last three seasons but the only season the league lived to its hype was during the 2020/21 season when both went neck-and-neck for the title.

“Three years ago when Kotoko and Hearts went head-to-head for the league title look at the effect it had on the whole league,” Afadzinu said during Joy Sports and Nhyira Sports’ mid-year thought leadership event on Monday, July 31.

“Let’s bring up the small clubs but let’s also restore our traditional clubs to the places of glory and if they rise higher, the football of this country will go up again.”

The new Ghana Premier League season is set to begin in September with the Ghana Football Association (GFA) announcing the fixtures on Monday, July 31.

Source: Myjoyonline
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