Exploration Of Gold Near Mole Park Won’t Happen Under My Watch – Jinapor

Exploration Of Gold Near Mole Park Won’t Happen Under My Watch – Jinapor

The Lands and Natural Resources Minister, Samuel Abu Jinapor, in whose constituency the Mole National Park is located, says no mining company will explore gold near the park.

Three mining CSOs had accused the government of granting exploration permits to some mining companies near the Mole National Park, which is a national asset.

They warned that if the deal is not cancelled, it will threaten the biodiversity of the park.

Responding to the allegations after meeting the Western Regional Security Council in Sekondi, the Minister, noted that such claims are untrue.

“There will never be a situation where the exploitation of our natural resources will jeopardize our national assets such as the Mole National Park. It will never happen under my watch.”

The Minerals Commission has also denied granting permits to mining companies near the Mole National Park in the Savannah Region.

“It has come to the attention of the Minerals Commission that certain Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have alleged that mining permits have been issued for mining in or near the Mole National Park in the Savannah Region. This allegation and/or assertion is not the case. No such Mining Permit has been issued for this purpose,” a statement from the Commission said.

The government had earlier issued a directive ordering persons undertaking prospecting activities in forest reserves across the country to indefinitely suspend such activities.

It also directed the Minerals Commission to desist from processing or granting any request for the renewal of prospecting licenses in forest reserves.

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