Everyone Knows Jackie Is A Legend – Yvonne Nelson Rubbishes Shatta Wale’s ‘Disturbing’ Attacks on Jackie Appiah – Video

Yvonne Nelson has reacted to Shatta Wale’s vituperative attacks launched on actress Jackie Appiah a few weeks ago.

According to Yvonne, everyone knows Jackie’s pedigree in the business and other claims about her just do not matter.

Shatta Wale a couple of weeks back just tore into Jackie Appiah in his latest attention-seeking stunt.

Wale, after consuming his usual oversized amount of bad weed, came for Jackie’s head with venom.

He accused her of not being an actual actress but just selling her body all around to big men for cash.

Wale claimed if he decides to become gay he could make just as much money as Jackie because some men are inexplicably interested in his unattractive face.

Either way, Jackie just kept mute on the issue, simply continuing to promote her work and not even dignifying Shatta Wale with a word.

Yvonne Nelson, who has many times made it clear that Jackie is no friend of hers, has reacted to the saga.

In an interview on Kingdom Plus, Yvonne was asked about the allegations from Shatta.

She refused to comment on them except to say that everyone knows Jackie’s legendary status in the industry.

Yvonne said Jackie is a queen on-screen and that is all she knows about her.

She further described Wale’s allegations as disturbing.

Listen to her below…





Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com

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