Election 2020: ‘I Have No Hand In Change Of Collation Center’ – Asawase NPP PC

Election 2020: ‘I Have No Hand In Change Of Collation Center’ – Asawase NPP PC

The Parliamentary Candidate for New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Asawase constituency in the Ashanti region, Alidu Seidu, has described as palpably false the allegation by the incumbent Member of Parliament for the area that he has connived with the Electoral Commission to change the constituency’s collation centre.

The collation centre has been moved from Asawase to the palace of Asokore Mampong Paramount Chief.

The incumbent MP on the ticket of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Muntaka Mubarak has, however, accused the NPP’s parliamentary candidate of being behind the change of the collation centre.

Mr Mubarak described the decision as part of the NPP’s plans to change the will of the electorate in the constituency in the December 7 poll.

But speaking to the media at a workshop organised by the NPP for some first-time voters in the Asawase constituency, Me Seidu who doubles as MCE for Asokore Mampong constituency described the accusations as unfounded.

He said he has no hands in the change of the collation centre, adding that the minority Chief Whip will lose to him even if the collation centre is sited in his (Muntaka) house.

He is hopeful of unseating the incumbent MP in the December 7 poll.

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