ELECTION 2020: Don’t Be Afraid, Your Security Is Highly Assured – REGSEC To Electorate

ELECTION 2020: Don’t Be Afraid, Your Security Is Highly Assured – REGSEC To Electorate

The Ashanti Regional Minister, Hon. Simon Osei Mensah, has assured the people of the Region that the Regional Security Council (REGSEC) is fully committed to protecting all persons who will go to the polls on the voting day to cast their votes in any part of the Region.

But he further noted that the tight security will not be limited to only the election day so nobody should live in fear because the security of the populace is of prime importance to the security agencies.

“Our strategy is to provide adequate security before, during and after the elections to guarantee a sustainable peaceful atmosphere.” He said in an address monitored by wontumionline.com during the second edition of the Security agencies patrol exercise held at the Officers Mess in Kumasi.

Mr. Osei Mensah appealed to the electorate to go home after they finish casting their votes and come back when the counting time is due or can choose to do so by watching the TV or do the listening on the radio..

“If you insist on going to the center to observe the process at all cost you can but don’t create confusion.” He advised.

The Ashanti Regional Minister cautioned would-be troublemakers to desist from any to disrupt the elections with any such diabolical plans reiterating that the laws will deal with them if apprehended.

“We will eschew favoritism in the discharge of our duties. Crime has no Political affiliation, tribal color or religion.” He cautioned

He noted that, “the prison cells would be the house for all offenders who will try to disturb the existing peace because without peace, there cannot be any development in the country.”

The Ashanti Regional Minister commended the security agencies for the bond of unity that exist between the various organs.

According to Mr Osei Mensah, he is the luckiest Regional Minister to have very competent and professional security forces “who are always ready and willing to work.”

He said that, they have never disappointed him since he became the Regional Minister.

Hon. Osei Mensah insisted that the COVID-19 pandemic still exists so Ghanaians should keep on observing the preventive measures by taking sanitizers to wherever they go and observe the social distancing protocol.

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