EIU Has Spoken But NPP Must Visit 2008 To Win 2024- Hon. Gyasi (VIDEO)

EIU Has Spoken But NPP Must Visit 2008 To Win 2024- Hon. Gyasi (VIDEO)
Hon Apau Gyasi

The Municipal Chief Executive for New Juaben, Hon. Ike Apau Gyasi, has responded to a prediction by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) could win the 2024 general elections noting that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) can overturn the prediction to their favor.

Analyzing the issue on Wontumi TV’s Agenda 2024 show which was monitored by Wontumionline.com, the MCE noted that the leadership of the New Patriotic Party must rather focus on factors that led to party’s defeat in 2008 rather concentrating on the prediction by the EIU.

The EIU according to him didn’t make a “categorical statement” in their report adding that to avoid defeat, the NPP must “visit 2008 and search for reasons we lost that elections narrowly. History must guide us so that we can learn from our past mistakes.”

According to the recent EIU report on Ghana, “the next parliamentary and presidential elections are due in 2024. Under the constitutionally mandated term limits, Mr. Akufo-Addo cannot run for a third term.”

“Mr Mahama is reportedly considering whether to run again, but we expect the NDC to seek to revitalise its prospects with a fresh candidate. After two terms of NPP government, we expect the NDC to win the 2024 presidential election and to gain a small majority in parliament”.

But Hon. Ike Apau Gyasi responded that to avoid losing the 2024 election, “politics of vindictiveness” must be reduced to its bearable level within the NPP.

He explained that the issue of vindictiveness was the reason the NPP lost several parliamentary seats in the 2020 election.

VIDEO below…

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