ECG To Commence Extensive Disconnection Exercise To Retrieve Ghc5bn Debt Today

The Electricity Company of Ghana will from today, March 20, commence an extensive disconnection exercise in a bid to mobilize revenue.

Most of this debt resides with the SOEs and MDAs.

This exercise comes on the back of the many institutions that owe the energy company,

This will be the fate of many other Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) and State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) who owe ECG huge amounts of money, forcing the power retailer to embark on the massive revenue mobilization exercise beginning on Monday 20th March 2023 to Thursday 20th April 2023

M.D., Mr. Dubik Mahama toured all the operational regions of ECG to sensitize the staff on how to go about the mobilization of the revenue, and to respect the customer at all times.

He also reminded the staff that ECG is a business and not a charity and everyone must start to behave as such. It is expected that at the end of the exercise, 100% of the debt would be recovered

The exercise is using almost all ECG staff, from top management to junior officers to retrieve all the monies owed to them.

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