Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto Holds Townhall Meeting With NPP Canda Branch

The immediate past Minister for Food and Agriculture and leading contender for the New Patriotic Party flagbearership, Hon. Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto, will be interacting with members of the Canada branch of the party tonight at exactly 7pm.

The event, to be held via Zoom, will be participated by hundreds of thousands of supporters from across the world.

The Townhall Meeting will give Hon. Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto the opportunity to discuss his vision and roadmap for the New Patriotic Party going into the December 7, 2024 general elections.

The former Food and Agriculture Minister is credited with massive transformation of Ghana’s agricultural sector with the introduction of several policies and programmes over the past six years.

Amongst his initiatives include the introduction of the highly successful Planting for Food and Jobs programme.

He also oversaw the establishment of the Tree Crops Development Authority(TCDA) to take charge of the production and management of six major tree crops including Mango, Oil Palm, Rubber, Cashew, Shea and Coconut.

Hon. Dr. Afriyie Akotos vision is to transform the economy of the country through agriculture and wean her from the vicious cycle of external dependency.

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