Don’t Ever Mention Ghana To Me Again – Actor Nana Yeboah Says After Travelling To France

Ghanaian comedian and actor Nana Yeboah has joined the tall list of celebrities who have vowed not to step foot in Ghana after travelling overseas.

As a matter of fact, Nana Yeboah says he does not want to hear anything about the country Ghana or even its name now that he has found comfort in France.

The funny character travelled to France for some holidays but has made plans not to return because Ghana is bad for his health.

He agreed with Twene Jonas saying the country has nothing working out for them and no system is fully operational.

He echoed in a video circulating on social media that he won’t hesitate to spend the rest of his life in the beautiful city of Paris when the opportunity comes.

Nana Yeboah was seen in the company of veteran actress Kalsoume Sinare in the video.

Jackie Appiah was also spotted in the photo with the actor in Paris and fans are tipping a possible movie shoot as a reason for that trip.

Watch the video below.

Although it is a funny statement made by the actor, he is not the first celebrity to have said this publicly.

Not long ago, Bukom Banku disclosed plans of quitting his boxing career to become a security person abroad.

He said it was better to be working an average job overseas than being a broke celebrity in Ghana.





SOURCE: GhanaCelebrities.Com

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