David Antwi Boasiako Becomes Youngest Director Of Communications


David Antwi Boasiako Becomes Youngest Director Of Communications

A Former TESCON President who is in his early 20’s on 16th May, appointed the New Director Of Communications for NPP in the Asokwa Constituency.

Before his appointment, David Antwi Boasiako who is popularly called Oheneba and younger brother to the Regional Chairman served the Asokwa Constituency in various positions notable among them is head of the new media department, Deputy Communications Director, Operations Director for the Youth Wing and served as one of the assistants to the Asokwa Constituency Secretary.

He also served as a Communications Director for TESCON – GCUC, TESCON Secretary and a two time TESCON President.

He is the Executive Secretary for NPP Crusaders and has served on many party committees and various roles in the party.

He is affable, excellent Communicator,creative and results oriented.

He is expected to work together with the party in th Constituency to help break the 8.

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