Coup Plotters’ Roles Revealed

Coup Plotters’ Roles Revealed

An official of the National Intelligence Bureau (NIB) on Monday told an Accra High Court about how the 10 persons standing trial for allegedly attempting to overthrow the government intended to use massive demonstration in their attempt to occupy the Jubilee House and Parliament.

Deputy Staff Officer (DSO), Frank Aboagye, led in his evidence-in-chief by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Yvonne Atakora Obuobisa, detailed the roles played by each of the accused persons in the plot to seize power through violent means.

He told the court how the group intended to shut down government and appeal to international community to supervise election and the replacement of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.

Again, the court heard how the accused intended to use a group called Take Action Ghana (TAG) to mobilise support for the agenda as well as disseminate information on their activities.

DSO Aboagye also told the court about how most of the participants on a WhatsApp platform created for their discussions cautioned about the use of words such as coup, revolution, attacking Parliament and Jubilee House because they thought the group could be charged for treason.


The witness told the court that “based on the evidence that came to the investigative team by way of WhatsApp messages, weapons retrieved at the Citadel Hospital, meetings held between Bright Alan Debrah and some soldiers, confessions that took place during interrogation, the team came to the conclusion that Dr. Frederick MacPalm and TAG intended to overthrow the Government of Ghana and abrogate the constitution through violent means.”

He said the investigative team also came to the conclusion that Kafui Donya, aka Ezor, manufactured and knew that those weapons were to be used for the overthrow of the government.

“We also concluded that Bright Alan Fosu had indeed held meetings with soldiers in furtherance of the agenda to overthrow government. Also, we concluded that Col. Samuel Kojo Gameli, by the fact that he knew of the invitation to Kafui Donya to come and manufacture weapons and the fact that he had indicated support for the overthrow of the government, means he knew and encouraged the  overthrow of government.”

He said the investigative team also concluded that for the fact that WOII Esther Saan knew about the overthrow of government, attended meetings to that effect where this overthrow was discussed, contributed to the discussion and failed to report to her authority, and participated in the preparation to overthrow the government.

He said the other soldiers, Lance Corporal Seidu Abubakar, Lance Corporal Ali Solomon, and Lance Corporal Sylvester Akapewon all took part in a number of meetings and contributed to the discussion which had the overthrow of government as the subject matter.

He said Johannes Zikpi, knew the plans of Dr. MacPalm, regarding the overthrow of the government and his expertise in communication was sought by Dr. MacPalm in the attempt to overthrow the government.

“In the case of Dr. Agordzo, the team found out that he provided funds, pieces of advice, draft speech for an intended demonstration by TAG which was to be used as a vehicle for the overthrow of government,” he added.

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