Chairman Wontumi Led Ashanti Region To Save President Akufo-Addo – GCPP Chairman (VIDEO)

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Chairman Omar

The Ashanti Regional Chairman of the Great Consolidated Popular Party (GCPP), Kofi Owusu Omar, has pointed out that the hard work of Mr. Bernard Antwi-Boasiako, contributed positively to the votes President Akufo-Addo garnered in the just ended elections.

Touching on issues related to the 2020 elections on the Wontumi Morning Show, Chairman Omar stated that the Ashanti region continues to prove it is the “heart” of the New Patriotic Party and saved the party when it needed it most during the elections.

In describing the importance of the region to the NPP, the GCPP stalwart stated that “the heart of NPP is Ashanti region. Without the leg and arm, you can live but without the heart, you can’t survive.

He continued that the Ashanti Regional Chairman for the NPP must be praised for the job he has done for the party.

In his view “we have to praise Chairman Wontumi for the work he has done. His agenda 47/47 has worked. He has managed to increase the votes of the President in the region and also win more seats here.”

VIDEO below…

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