Black Stars Take Two Steps Backwards In Latest FIFA Rankings.

Black Stars Take Two Steps Backwards In Latest FIFA Rankings.

Ghana have dropped to 48th in the latest FIFA/Coca-Cola rankings released for the month of October, 2020.

Ghana after placing 46th in the last FIFA rankings released in September have taken two steps backwards by placing 48th in the latest rankings.

The Black Stars played two friendly games against Mali and Qatar in Antalya, Turkey earlier this month which they lost 3-0 and won 5-1 respectively.

These games were played as part of preparations towards the upcoming double header AFCON qualifiers against Sudan in November.

Ghana accumulated a total of 1439 points in the latest rankings and as a result placed sixth in the continental ranking – behind Senegal, Tunisia, Algeria, Nigeria and Morocco.

The top 10 ranked CAF teams released by FIFA for the month of October:

  1. Senegal

2. Tunisia

3. Algeria

4. Nigeria

5. Morocco

6. Ghana

7. Egypt

8. Cameroon

9. Mali

10. Burkina Faso

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