Ben Ephson Exposed! Told To Do Proper Research On Chairman Wontumi (VIDEO)

Ben Ephson Exposed! Told To Do Proper Research On Chairman Wontumi (VIDEO)
Ben Epshon and Wontumi

The managing Editor for the Daily Dispatch, Mr. Ben Ephson, has been exposed over his reliance on radio voices and tapes to write his research on the impending Ashanti regional elections.

Ben Ephson claims Chairman Wontumi, who is also known Bernard Antwi Bosiako, will be voted out in the upcoming regional polls of the ruling party.

In an interview with TV3, he said happenings in the party will make the vociferous Wontumi lose.

But Dr. Samson Anoma expects Mr. Ephson to use proper research materials instead of relying heavily on what people who are against Chairman Wontumi say on some Kumasi based radio stations.

Dr. Anoma said on Wontumi TV that “he (Ben Ephson) didn’t interview anybody, he is relying on what people say on Kumasi media to make his report…That is very sad considering the kind of stories he churns out.”

VIDEO below…

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