Being A Woman Does Not Make You A Lady – Women Told

Being A Woman Does Not Make You A Lady – Women Told

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Anaideia Laundry and Cleaning Services, Seraphine Mawufemor Gidisu, has advised women to be intentional about becoming ladies as it is not a birth gift.

According to her, anyone can become a lady regardless of their background because it is not something that anyone is born with, but something that everyone must learn and make a conscious effort to become or be referred to as.

She said this during an interview with host, Mercy Bee the Ekumfi Princess on the award-winning Girl Vibes show which airs on etv Ghana.

“The fact that you’re born a female does not automatically make you a lady. A lady is somebody that is intentional about herself, is polite, refined, and well-spoken and these skills don’t come naturally. It’s something you have to be intentional in acquiring. It doesn’t come to you naturally and you can’t wish it on yourself,” she said.

She stressed that a woman is basically a female with the basic characteristics of one, however, a lady is someone that has learnt and acquired for herself certain skills. “If you don’t learn how to dress well, how to talk properly, and other basic manners, you can’t expect to be called a lady.

Madam Seraphine noted that it is important for every woman or female to earn herself that privilege of being called a lady, hence, urged that every woman should work on herself to earn that title.

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