Ayisha Modi Suffers Miscarriage – Sadly Reveals She’s Been Fighting Depression For Sometime Now

BHIM Nation’s unofficial godmother, Ayisha Modi has sadly revealed through a series of posts she shared on her IG page she recently suffered a heartwrenching miscarriage.

The self-acclaimed music producer who is currently in a state of severe emotional and physical pains has disclosed that she was due to deliver a baby girl in a few months’ time but mother nature refused to show her mercy.

She went on to reveal that she has been taken off medication and now 95% fit according to her doctors.

Ayisha Modi whose miscarriage has landed her in a state of overwhelming grief also revealed that she lost a whopping $70,000 after sorting out her medical bills.

She proceeded to advise her followers to be very careful of the people they call friends because many of them are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

In her piece of advice, she maintained that wasted time is far worse than wasted money so people should be very skeptical about the people whom they ‘waste’ their time on.

Ayisha Modi also attached some of her baby bump pictures to the lengthy and touching message and it’s clear that she was heavily pregnant before suffering the unanticipated miscarriage.

A sincere thank you message was also left for those who stood by her side when she was battling for her life. Her husband, doctor, @Ghmouthpiece, and other Instagram bloggers were all given shoutouts.

Her fans who are mostly BHIM nation members have wished her a speedy recovery and the best of luck in her next pregnancy.

Take a look at the post below to know more…





Source: Ghanacelebrities.com

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