Atibie: 15 Nurses And Midwives Asked To Repeat Or Be Sacked From The School

Atibie: 15 Nurses And Midwives Asked To Repeat Or Be Sacked From The School

The management of the Atibie Nursing and Midwifery Training College at Kwahu in the Eastern Region has asked 15 student nurses and midwives to repeat a year lower or be sacked from the institution.

The Principal of the college said the decision for the grade retention by these students has been occasioned by their failure to get a cumulative GPA of 1.50 and above during their first and second semester examinations.

A letter written to the students by the Principal of the college, Agartha Ekuaban titled “Academic Reshuffle” stated that “I write to inform you that the Principal and the academic office of the above institution have decided that you repeat your class on account of poor academic performance. This has become necessary because your CGPA for the first and second-semester examination results fell below 1.50.

“You will be required to join the first-year students for the 2021/2022 academic year. Kindly take note of this new development and comply to avoid withdrawal from the college.”

The letter to the students was issued after they paid their semester fees for the second year and registered for the academic year.

However, the students have appealed to the Principal to allow them to resit the subjects they failed but their plea has been rejected.

The students claim the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the academic calendar and also affected them financially and psychologically, hence their poor academic performance.

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