Asokwa Youth Association (AYA) Eulogies Dr.K D Asante, CEO Of Ghana Gas

Asokwa Youth Association (AYA) Eulogies Dr.K D Asante, CEO Of Ghana Gas

The Executives of Asokwa Youth Association anonymously by this communique eulogies
The Chief Executive officer of Ghana Gas Company, Dr Ben Asante, for putting pieces together in ensuring efficient and productive management of the state institution.

Your appointment to head the state firm has led to some strategic and tactical reform that have firmly repositioned Ghana gas to be productive and profit oriented.

Dr. Asante remarkable achievement in shaping and promoting sustainable power delivery with Ghana Gas,has been recognized by the youth in Asokwa constituency and the good people of Ghana.

Dr.Ben Asante, a product of Asokwa constituency in the Ashanti Region has really lifted the spirit of the youth from the Region through his remarkable achievements

We the executives of Asokwa Youth Association are really proud and solely behind you .

Your perseverance and commitment to work are exemplary. We thank you for your commitment towards the firm and hope to enjoy the same in the near future.

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