Asokwa MCE Assures Farmers Of More Investments In Agric Sector

Asokwa MCE Assures Farmers Of More Investments In Agric Sector

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Asokwa,  Chief Akwannuasah Gyimah has assured crop and livestock farmers in Asokwa of government’s commitment to invest in agriculture so as to make it attractive and rewarding for all.

Addressing this year’s farmers day celebration in Asokwa held at Dompoase, Chief Akwannuasah said that despite the challenges ranging from post harvest losses to unavailability of ready market for farmers, government was ready to support farmers to increase production and get the needed dividends.

Asokwa MCE, Chief Akwannuasah Gyimah seated with Dompoase Chief on the dais at Friday’s farmers day celebration in Asokwa

The MCE intimated that the more investments are channeled into the agriculture industry the better opportunities that would come up for the youth and others to get employment in same

Commending farmers especially those in the Asokwa Municipality, Chief Akwannuasah said their hard work and dedication to providing food for residents  has contributed to the increasing productivity levels in the famous Municipality.

Some of the food stuffs on display at the farmer’s day celebration

“We are noted for the growing of vegetables on large scale as well as many other food crops and the rearing of animals and it is not surprising that government has promised to continue investments into the Agric sector so as to create spaces of employment for the youth”, Chief Akwannuasah stressed.

On her part, Madam Martha Ashami Armah, Municipal Director of Agric for Asokwa commended farmers and fisherfolks in the municipality for showing commitment and promise despite the area being urban and commercial.

She noted that Asokwa can boast of vegetable production such as spring onion, lettuce, cabbage, beetroot, aubergine,  cauliflower, ayoyo, okra and others.

Madam Ashami also mentioned that the area has a number of people in livestock production, poultry as well as non-traditional commodities such as rabbits, grasscutter and mushroom farming as well as food crop production.

The Agric Director however said that 2021 had been a challenging year due to Covid-19 outbreak but noted that farmers in Asokwa worked hard to provide food for residents and thus has become famous for being the leading producer or good vegetables, meat and eggs.

“The year 2021 has been challenging with the country’s recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic but still our gallant farmers worked hard to provide us with food on our table”, Madam Armah posited.

Ibrahim Asamoah took home the accolade as being the overall best farmer in Asokwa.

For this feat,  Mr Asamoah was given a tricycle, knapsack sprayer, wellington boots, cutlass and boxes of bar soaps.

Stephen Nobio also took home the award for best vegetable farmer in Asokwa.

Receiving the certificate accompanying the items to the overall best farmer accolade as well as the sword signifying his current status from the MCE, Mr Asamoah thanked the Agric Ministry and the Municipal Assembly for recognising his efforts and for showing commitment to the work they do as farmers.



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