Akrokerri College Of Education Council Promises Good Results.

The Minister of Education, Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum has inaugurated the Council of the AKROKERRI COLLEGE of Education.

At a ceremony in his office in Accra, the Minister charged the 13-member council board to come out with pragmatic and proactive measures to make the science-based college function effectively.

He urged them to use innovative ways to raise funds to undertake needful projects at the college.

The Minister reminded them of the challenging times the Ghanaian economy is going through and tasked them to use funds judiciously by recruiting the best tutors and provide good facilities for quality training.

Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum swearing in the new Council of Akrokerri College of Education
Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum swearing in the new Council of Akrokerri College of Education

The Minister disclosed that government would very soon upgrade ten (10) training colleges across the country to university levels to award degrees.

He, therefore, charged the Council to work things out to ensure standards at Akrokerri reach a point where they would be automatic choice for upgrade.

The Minister also asked that laboratories at the college should be raised to levels that would make the study of science enjoyable for the teacher trainees.

Dr Adutwum commended the Council Chairman, Mr Addai Poku Aikins for his appointment and urged him to use the confidence the President and the Ministry has in him to cause a positive change at AKROKERRI COLLEGE of Education.

Mr Addai-Poku Aikins (right) is new Council Chairman of Akrokerri College of Education
Mr Addai-Poku Aikins (right) is new Council Chairman of Akrokerri College of Education

Speaking at the ceremony,  Council Chairman,  Mr Addai Poku Aikins thanked the President for the appointment.

He also pledged to work with his colleague Council members to make the college a reference point for quality training for future tutors and teachers.

Mr Addai-Poku on behalf of the members promised to work to raise the levels of facilities at Akrokerri.

“I would want to take the opportunity to thank the President as well as the Minister for this appointment and on behalf of the council members I promise to work to raise the standards of Akrokerri so that it can be competitive with the best across the world”, the Council Chairman stated.


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