Accra Sports Stadium To Admit 30,000 Fans For Hearts v Kotoko Clash

Accra Sports Stadium To Admit 30,000 Fans For Hearts v Kotoko Clash


This weekend’s Super Clash between Hearts of Oak and Asante Kotoko will be watched by 30,000 fans from the Accra Sports Stadium, can report.

Ahead of the big game of the 2021/22 Ghana Premier League season, there had been concerns raised over why the government has refused to allow the home team to admit fans to full stadium capacity.

The government with the argument of stopping the spread of the Coronavirus has insisted that the stadium should only admit 25% of its capacity.

However, following a last-minute engagement between stakeholders, the Director-General of the National Sports Authority (NSA), Prof. Peter Twumasi has announced that arrangements have been made for 30,000 fans to go to the stadium.

This comes as a piece of good news for Hearts of Oak hoping to cash in on the biggest fixture of the year.

This weekend’s Super Clash against Asante Kotoko will kick off at the Accra Sports Stadium on Sunday, February 20, 2022.


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