A/R: Minister Swears Into Office 39 Confirmed MMDCEs (Full Speech)

Second from left: Sam Pyne - KMA Mayor and Kennedy Kankam - MCE for Asokore Mampong

A/R: Minister Swears Into Office 39 Confirmed

MMDCEs (Full Speech)


Ashanti Regional Minister, Hon. Simon Osei Mensah,  has sworn into office  thirty-nine confirmed MMDCES into office today at the Ashanti Regional Coordinating Council.
Speaking at  the event, the Minister noted that “On Sunday, 19th September 2021, the Hon. Minister for Local Government, Decentralization and Rural Development, Hon. Dan Botwe, released the list of two hundred and sixty (260) nominees of H.E. the President of the Republic of Ghana, for the position of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives. Since then, feverish arrangements were made for the confirmation process as required by Law and we thank God that we are gathered here today as a result of a very successful process.”
According to him,”It is therefore my pleasant duty this morning, to discharge this sacred duty of swearing into office, thirty-nine (39) out of the forty-three (43) Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives here in the Ashanti Region.
On behalf of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Ghana and the Ashanti Regional Coordinating Council, I wish to warmly congratulate you, first, on your nomination by His Excellency and your subsequent confirmation by your respective Assemblies to the position of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives.
My sincerest gratitude goes to His Excellency the President of the Republic for taking the necessary steps, pursuant to Article 243 clause (1) of the 1992 Republican Constitution and section 20 subsection (I) of the Local Governance Act, 2016 Act 936, to fulfil this important constitutional requirement of the nomination and election of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives.
I also wish to commend all Hon. Assembly members for successfully exercising their statutory mandate in the confirmation of the nominated MMDCEs. Let me put on record, that Twenty-three (23) of the nominees received one hundred percent (100%) approval from their Assemblies. This is remarkable and we are grateful to Hon. Members for the confidence reposed in the nominees of H.E. the President.
My Confirmed Nominees, as you are ushered into the realm of leadership at your Assemblies, please bear in mind that the task ahead is arduous and calls for total commitment and dedication. Let me stress that work starts immediately. There is no time for honeymoon.
As representatives of the central government at the local level, your duties and responsibilities, among others, as stipulated under section 20 sub section (2) of the Local Governance Act, 2016, Act 936, include the following:
To be responsible for the day-to-day performance of the executive and administrative functions of the District Assembly.
To be responsible for the Supervision of Departments of the Assembly.
To preside at meetings of the Executive Committee of the District Assembly.
Hon. Members of Parliament, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, the position of a Chief Executive requires that you be a team player and be tolerant to all views. Humility and respect for all, is the watchword. Vigilance is primarily, key to your work. You are expected to work closely with your Co-ordinating Directors and the technocrats within your administration; co-operate with your Hon. Members of Parliament, Hon. Presiding Members, Assembly members, Heads of Decentralized Departments and indeed, all the relevant stakeholders at the local level to engender the much-needed development in your jurisdiction. “He noted.
Ashanti is a region of rich traditions and culture where the chieftaincy institution is highly revered.  You are to give reverence to Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the Asantehene, and all other Chiefs in the Region.
You need the support of all key stakeholders to successfully deliver on your mandate, taking into consideration the varied challenges that will need to be addressed in the interest of the people. The challenges may be daunting, but I must say, are surmountable. Gird up your loins to address the many challenges that will confront you including the following:
Security Issues
Low Local Economic Development
Low Internal Revenue Generation
Building in Unauthorized areas
Building in Road Reservations
Illegal mining in some areas, and
“I am confident and trust in the capabilities and competence of each one of you to deliver. It is, therefore, my expectation that you will stay focused and committed to deepening the gains made in the implementation of the numerous social-interventions, policies and programmes introduced by government to bring about a remarkable improvement in the standards of living of Ghanaians, as well as the realization of the government’s transformational agenda.
Your mandate as Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives can be successfully executed if you pay the needed attention to the broader functions of the Assemblies as stipulated under section 12 and 13 of the Local Governance Act, 2016, Act 936 and other relevant legislation and legal Instruments of the Local Government System.
We should demonstrate high level of humility and respect for all persons irrespective of status, religion, sex and ethnicity.  Kindly eschew corrupt practices and ensure transparency in all that you do.
As is the practice, I wish to assure you that, the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralization and Rural Development will put together a comprehensive Orientation programme for you to enable you take off on the right footing.
Hon. Members of Parliament, Confirmed Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives, Hon. Presiding Members, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of H.E the President of the Republic of Ghana and the Ashanti Regional Coordinating Council, I once again, wish to express my profound appreciation to our Hon. Members of Parliament, Hon. Presiding Members, Hon. Assembly Members, traditional authorities and all those who in diverse ways, contributed to the successful confirmation of the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives. Without your support, co-operation, and desire to advance the cause of development of the Assemblies, this would not have been possible.
 I will urge you to continue to give the Chief Executives your fullest support to make their term of office a successful one. I am optimistic that when history is written, we will all be mentioned as part of the success story.
On this note, I have singular honour to swear into office, the thirty-nine (39) confirmed Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives out of the forty-three (43) nominated by His Excellency the President.
May the Good Lord Bless the Ashanti Region and our Homeland Ghana! Thanks.”He concluded.
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