A Letter To Kofi Bentil Over His Corruption Claim In The Agyapa Royalties Deal

A Letter To Kofi Bentil Over His Corruption Claim In The Agyapa Royalties Deal
Kofi Bentil
Dear Kofi Bentil,
I read a post you made on your Facebook timeline about the Agyapa Royalties deal which I found puzzling. This is what you wrote;
“I am in favor of engineering our resource revenues for greater returns as a nation. But after analyzing the Agyapa deal I can say it’s terrible and corrupt!”
Excuse me for not being star-struck this time around because you have not said or written something this time around to get me entranced.
I find your submission to be outlandish as it does not only show its emptiness in substance and also incendiary to the core but also logically incomprehensible.
You seem to be on some sort of a murderous expedition to prove a case whose reality exists but in your mind.
This men-at-arms mentality you guys have developed at your once hugely reputed establishment has affected the believability of your policy propositions and analysis.
You seem to think the Agyapa deal is shrouded in some sombre, shadowy environment that has the tendency  to leech the country of its resources by a few individuals when you cannot prove same to be the case.
Are we to swallow your ‘deep throat sources’ and conjectures as the gospel truth? Would you elaborate on your claim of the corruption in the deal?
Your skewed, lopsided and prejudiced mindset in this whole matter has blindfolded you to come to such defective conclusions.
I wonder the sort of analysis you did to force you to make such an unfortunate declamation.
The more I think about this, the more it flits into my mind that you guys appear to be on a vendetta against the Akufo-Addo administration for not approaching IMANI Africa, the cistern of knowledge in everything under the sun.
Sir, come again, with meaty elements or evidence to substantiate your claim of corruption in the Agyapa Royalties deal. For now, your effusions remain mere rants, unless you are able to come up with better particulars.
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