Yvonne Nelson And Sarkodie Committed ‘Illegal’ Abortion…Their Baby Could’ve Become The Next Superstar- Lawyer Maurice Ampaw

Private legal practitioner, Maurice Ampaw, has chastised Yvonne Nelson and Sarkodie for illegal terminating their baby who could’ve grown to become the next superstar of Ghana.

Yvonne Nelson has revealed that she aborted a pregnancy for rapper, Sarkodie, in 2010 after a short relationship.

But lawyer Ampaw maintains that “it is a criminal offense to commit illegal abortion here in Ghana”.

Addressing the issue on Wontumi TV’s  Mmra Ne Abrabo Mu Nsem, lawyer Ampaw stated that the terminated baby could have become “President” of Ghana or “a great musician like Sarkodie”.

“The child could also have become a movie star”, he said as he claimed the matter could have taken a ended the careers of the two stars in an advanced society.

“In the advanced society the child right group could have taken her on for terminating the baby”, he said.

In her book “I am not Yvonne Nelson” which launched at Peduase Lodge, Yvonne Nelson stated in pages 88-95 that “I had gone for a pregnancy test to confirm what becomes the most obvious conclusion for a sexually active young woman who misses her monthly flow. I was in the company of Karen. And when the test result was ready, I wasn’t strong enough to open it. She did and declared the verdict.

‘Charlie, it dey there!’, she exclaimed.

“On an ordinary day, I would have laughed out loud and that would trigger a string of jolly conversations and jokes. But this was no laughing matter. It was a grim piece of information that was capable of turning my world upside down.

“I wasn’t the only one responsible for the situation, so I called the man whose potent seed had germinated in me. His name is Michael Owusu Addo, a renowned Ghanaian musician who is better known as Sarkodie”.

By wontumionline