Be Conscious About Your Personal Security; We Are Not In Normal Times- Alhaji Kabi tells Ghanaians (VIDEO)

A communications team member for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Alhaji Kabi has told Ghanaians to be conscious about their security.

In recent times, Ghana’s security seems to be on threat due to the rampant killings and internal conflict. It has become important that the country strengthens its security system and citizens must also be mindful about their personal security.

“Young people are eager to make money and do not care how they make it. We have to be each other’s keeper in our homes and communities. This is not about politics because when they are attacking, they don’t look at the political party one belongs to”, he said.

He encouraged Ghanaians to be particular about their personal security.

“The security persons are there to protect but we also need to play our part by serving as community police”, he added.

Video below…

By wontumionline