GRA Should Investigate The Source Of People’s Wealth- Joyce Zempare (VIDEO)

The Deputy Director of Communications for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Joyce Zinokie Zempare, has called on the Ghana Revenue Authority to investigate the source of people’s wealth in Ghana.

Her comments come at the back of the recent killings and attacks in the country where assassins remove the part of the human body that indicates they use it for rituals.

She said that “the lust for money had led people to killing innocent souls and selling body parts for money, GRA should stand up and investigate people’s wealth. People have accumulated wealth and properties and no one knows the source of their wealth and we all walk about unconcerned”.

“It is time GRA task people about how they make their wealth to be sure they are not using any dubious means’’, she opined.

Joyce Zempare stated that terrorism and human killing has become a business venture; and she went on to caution younger people especially girls to stay away from strangers and be security conscious.

“Ghana has become a country where foreigners troop in every day and are out numbering the natives in some communities. Property owners today rent their houses to them rather than Ghanaians because they pay higher than the actual rent price’’, she added.

Video below…

By wontumionline