I Don’t Touch My Husband’s Phone; Empress Gifty Says Apply Wisdom In Marriage

According to gospel minister Mrs Gifty Adorye, phones are private assets in marriages. Therefore, partners must stay away from each other’s phones for peace to prevail at home. Empress Gifty calls this ideology applying wisdom in marriage.

Empress Gifty, the wife of Hopeson Adorye, a staunch member of the NPP, has explained why she does not touch her husband’s phone. She also revealed that her husband doesn’t touch hers too.

“In marriage, there is something called privacy. There’s privacy in marriage, but people don’t know. That thing we call a phone is private. Let me explain it to you. Today, a phone has caused someone to be disabled. A phone has made someone sit in a car and follow her husband to a hotel to see something that has left her mum. She is now disabled,” Empress Gifty told Abeiku Santana.

She continued, “Not that I don’t trust my husband, but I know he can make mistakes because he’s human. He is not the holy ghost. There are certain things that fastings will not solve. Prayer answers all things, but sometimes you need to apply wisdom.”

For Empress Gifty, applying wisdom in marriages is sometimes better than praying and fasting.

“When it comes to marriage, apply wisdom. Have I finished answering my calls? What am I answering his calls for? A man I met who is past 50 years has been down a certain path for a long time. Nagging won’t change him. Complaining will only harden his resolve. But if you ignore him, he will be remorseful.

“Every man is weak. Men are visual beings. They lust after what they see with their eyes. Women are emotional. Submitting to my husband does not mean lying down to be trodden on. But I will not do what I know won’t bring peace to her home. My home is my happiness.”



Source: 3news.com|Ghana

By wontumionline