A Plus In Another Trouble: Chairman Wontumi Files Defamatory Suit Against Him, Wants Him Imprisoned

The Ashanti Regional Chairman for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mr. Bernard Antwi has filed another defamatory suit against Kwame Asare Obeng alias Kwame A Plus at the Tema High Court praying that he is imprisoned.

Amongst the Affidavit in support Mr. Bernard Antwi aka Chairman Wontumi provided to the court were:

  1. That I am the Plaintiff/ Applicant/Deponent
  2. That my Counsel will seek leave of the Court to refer to all processes and document connected to this issue and case to support my application.
  3. That cause my Solicitor to file a defamatory suit against the Defendant.
  4. That while the case is pending and subjudice, the Respondent and other contemnors discussed the merit of the cas on the United Show Biz.
  5. That after full trial, this. honourable delivered the ruling/judgment and convicted the Respondent for contempt.
  6. That the Respondent who is dissatisfied with the judgment has failed to file an appeal but resorted to posting of contemptuous material on his official facebook Page and such materials are all over socialmedia handles. Attached and marked as Exhibit AOl, the publication of the said contemptuous material.
  7. That my Counsel shall contend that the description of the judgment by the Respondent as ridiculous and shameful is highly scandalous of this court. That by such statement and description, the Respondent is saying that this Honourable Court,s judgment is a foolish and stupid judgment. This is a direct insult to the trial jqdge.
  8. That my Counsel shall contend that the publication of the Respondent of those contemptuous materials on social media has the likelihood of undermining the authority of the Court and expose the trial judge to public hatred, ridicule and
  9. That I am advised and believe same that the publication of the Respondent is highly scandalous, and will lower the authority of the Court in the eyes of right thinking members of the society.
  10. That I am advised and verily belief same to be true that the action and conduct of the Respondent has brought the authority of this Court into disrepute.

WHEREFORE, I swear to this affidavit in support of’ the application praying this Honourable Court to commit the Respondent to prison to serve as a deterrent to likeminded person in the society.

Suit No E12





A Plus In Another Trouble: Chairman Wontumi Files Defamatory Suit Against Him, Wants Him Imprisoned

A Plus In Another Trouble: Chairman Wontumi Files Defamatory Suit Against Him, Wants Him Imprisoned

A Plus In Another Trouble: Chairman Wontumi Files Defamatory Suit Against Him, Wants Him Imprisoned

A Plus In Another Trouble: Chairman Wontumi Files Defamatory Suit Against Him, Wants Him Imprisoned

A Plus In Another Trouble: Chairman Wontumi Files Defamatory Suit Against Him, Wants Him Imprisoned

A Plus In Another Trouble: Chairman Wontumi Files Defamatory Suit Against Him, Wants Him Imprisoned

A Plus In Another Trouble: Chairman Wontumi Files Defamatory Suit Against Him, Wants Him Imprisoned

A Plus In Another Trouble: Chairman Wontumi Files Defamatory Suit Against Him, Wants Him Imprisoned

A Plus In Another Trouble: Chairman Wontumi Files Defamatory Suit Against Him, Wants Him Imprisoned

By wontumionline