6 Foods You Should Eat On A Regular Basis If You Are Over 50 To Help Regulate Your Blood Sugar

6 Foods You Should Eat On A Regular Basis If You Are Over 50 To Help Regulate Your Blood Sugar

High blood sugar is also among the health conditions which many people are battling with nowadays. That is the reason why you need to know how to control your blood sugar especially when you are 50 years and above. But research has also made it known that there are some certain foods that help regulate blood sugar in the body.

So in order to avoid high blood sugar levels in your 50s and above, it is very important for you to make good dietary choices and choose foods that can help you regulate your blood sugar. So in order to put more enlightenment into this, I will be sharing with you some 6 foods you should eat regularly in your 50s and above to help regulate your blood sugar. So pay attention to them as listed below.

1) Avocados.

One of the foods you should eat regularly in your 50s and above so as to help regulate your blood sugar are avocados. This is because avocados are a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids, which help to improve insulin sensitivity, and glucose uptake to lower blood sugar levels. Avocados are also rich in magnesium which help regulate insulin and glucose uptake to regulate blood sugar.

2) Eggs.

Another food you should eat regularly in your 50s and above that will help regulate your blood sugar are eggs. Studies have shown that eggs especially egg yolks are a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. They also help decrease inflammation throughout the body and distributions to glucose metabolism.

3) Okra.

Okra is also among the foods you should eat regularly in your 50s and above to help regulate your blood sugar. This is because the fibre in the fruits of okra help lower blood sugar in the body by slowing down the absorption of sugar from your intestines.

4) Kale.

Another food you should eat regularly in your 50s and above is kale. Research has made it known that kale contains high amounts of antioxidants, kaempferol, etc which help lower blood sugar in the body.

5) Apples.

Apples are also among the foods you should eat regularly in your 50s and above to help regulate your blood sugar. Research made it known that the polyphenols in apples which are found primarily in apple skin help stimulate the pancreases to release insulin and help your cells take in sugar.

6) Berries.

Another food you should eat regularly in your 50s and above so as to help regulate your blood sugar are berries. Studies have shown that berries contains high amounts of vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, and minerals which will help regulate the blood sugar in your body.

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