Lawyer Justin Frimpong Kodua Assures To Rally The Support Of All NPP Members At All Levels To Achieve Party Agenda

Lawyer Justin Frimpong Kodua Assures To Rally The Support Of All NPP Members At All Levels To Achieve Party Agenda

In UNITY, they say, lies strength, and a house divided against itself can never stand. As a party, we cannot be separated in interest or divided in purpose.

JFK is committed to achieving a sense of community where all NPP members and sympathizers at all levels view and treat each other as equal and valued; where everybody is considered a co-participant in the activities of the party; and where trust and hope abound.

JFK honors the principle of equal membership where a measure of equality in all forms of relationships is firmly rooted.

Individually, we are a drop; together, we are a great ocean.

JFK is the unifying force; the Joshua to take NPP to the promised land.


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