27 Ways To Make Your Girlfriend Happy

27 Ways To Make Your Girlfriend Happy


How to make your girlfriend happy You love her , and you want her to feel like being in a relationship with you was the best thing ever happened to her.

You crave that bright smile that enlightens er eyes and wonder how to create more opportunities for your woman to smile and be happy.

Well, today, we give you 27 simple

 ways to make your girlfriend happy. Some of them require no preparation, and others… well, the need some sort of commitment (but more on that later).

Romantic Ways To Make Her Happy

1. Tell her you love her

You’d be surprised, but the way to woman’s heart isn’t too complicated. Okay, maybe I lied – it is, but a good place to start is telling your girl you love her. It’s one of the easiest ways to make her sincerely happy.

Many men ignore the importance of telling their girlfriends those three words, but it makes a difference in the way she feels (about you or herself). If you don’t feel comfortable telling her that every day, make sure it is at least once a week or on certain occasions.

What if you always forget to do it? Make it a sticky habit by attaching it to another habit. For example, tell her you love her every evening after you kiss her goodnight. Alternatively, do it in

 the morning before you both head out for work.

2. Give her compliments

Women love compliments, especially when they are coming from someone special. Pay attention to when the

 conversation is light-hearted and optimistic – this is the perfect time to drop a heartfelt compliment that will surely be appreciated.

Your compliments are so important because your girlfriend loves the person she is when she’s with you. And if you confirm that she is awesome when she’s with you, that will make your relationship even

 stronger .

3. Give her little tokens of appreciation

Girls are sentimental creatures, which is why giving your woman a small gift or a handwritten note can go a long way. You can trust that she will cherish this offering forever, perhaps even keep it in a special box.

If you are searching for something truly romantic, that will melt her heart, send her any of these

 love messages and see what happens.

4. Give her flowers

I can’t stress this enough – girls love flowers! But they can only enjoy them if it seems like you give them becauseyouwant to, not becausetheyhave been dropping hints. Intentions do matter, so thread with care.

Again, you could easily turn this into a habit – a flower every Friday evening or (if she prefers plants) get her every two-three weeks a new orchid or succulent. Those are beautiful, require less care, and could fit in any living space.

5. Text her throughout the day

Getting sweet messages from your boyfriend throughout the dawhat’sat’s cuter than that? If you want your girl to take sneak peeks at her phone and smile throughout the day, make sure to drop her cute texts. Did you check the

 romantic messages for her ?

6. Thank her

Everyone enjoys being appreciated – and your girlfriend is no different. So, if you can see that she is making an effort or has made something special fordon’t don’t forget to thank her.

Here are 77 ways to

 show her appreciation and love .

7. Make her laugh

The way to woman’s heart is through… her smile. Don’t Don’t be afraid to tease her, make her laugh, and get that smile on her lips. Even if she tells you to cut it out playfully, she secretly enjoys the attention.

8. Help her with chores

Nothing makes a woman happier than her man helping her out with cleaning, dusting, and folding laundry. This is a perfect way to show your girlfriend you care about her in a meaningful and practical way.

Even if you are super busy with your work, doing the dishes after dinner, picking clothes from the floor, and dusting once a week are things you can do, and she will appreciate you so much for it.

9. Respect her

This is pretty self-explanatory, but I think it should be addressed as well. Don’t be controlling and allow your girlfriend to grow as a person. Respect her as you would respect yourself.

10. Show her you care

Showing your girlfriend you care abdoesn’t doesn’t have to be something grand. It could be as simple as putting away your dirty socks or cleaning the drain since you know how much she hates doing that. It’s the little gestures that matter most.

For example, my fiance never forgets to get me my favorite snacks when he’s shopping by himself. He knows that I am obsessed with papers and journals, so he keeps his eyes open for those too. He would often come with a bowl of salty popcorn while I am watching a movie or would ask me if I wanted him to do something for me. He is so sweet, and I love him beyond imaginable just for these little things.

11. Be present

When your girl is sharing something with you, make sure to be there 100%. Pay attention to her stories and listen actively so that you can ask her the right questions later. This will definitely make her feel loved and cherished.

One of the first things that actually spoils every good relationship is the lack of listening and understanding. If you make sure, you listen and hear what she says (no need to offer solutions even if you want to), this would immediately elevate your relationship to a new level.

12. Cook for her

Men who cook are so swoon-worthy that it doesn’t matter if you are a terrible cook, it’s the thought that counts. By cooking for your girl, you are making her feel taken care of, which is very important for us women.

If you struggle with ideas, here are 35

 easy-to-make dinner date ideas for two 

13. Spend quality time together

Spending quality time together is a must, but it’s much more appreciated by women than men. So if you want to make your girlfriend happy, you should meet regularly and commit to activities you both enjoy doing together. Lacking ideas? Here are 50 things you could do today at home, for example.

14. Be loyal to her

Loyal men are very hard to find nowadays. So if you prove your loyalty to her, she will be a very, very happy girl. Sometimes, all it takes to do that is not to check other girls out when you are with her and show her that she has your undivided interest and attention.

15. Apologize

People make mistakes – it’s only natural. However, when you recognize your mistake, be quick to apologize and own your mistake to her. She will appreciate your willingness to be vulnerable with her and will be happy that you can be open about your wrongdoings.

16. Get to know her

I mean, get to really know her. Understand what makes her light up, her hobbies and interests, and what she likes and dislikes. Showing interest in her whole being will definitely make her feel special, like she’s the only girl in the world. And she is, isn’t she?

17. Show interest in her interests

Girls like it when their partners show enthusiasm in their preferred hobbies. This doesn’t mean that you need to start doing them together with her, but be involved in them and ask quesions like:“What happened at “umba”today?”or “Did you finally manage to get that move you were stru”gling with?”.

For example, my fiance would always spare five minutes to listen to my journaling ideas (I mentioned I am obsessed with paper). I bet he doesn’t understand even 30% of what I say, but it makes me happy to share with him.

18. Hold hands in public

Holding hands in public is one way to show affection, which would definitely warm your girlfriend front the inside. She will feel protected and valued because of your willingness to display affection like this in public.

19. Make time for her

We all get busy, but if you want your girlfriend to be happy, you need to make time in your schedule for her. Even if it’s just to grab some coffee or dinner after work, she will feel honored that despite your stressful lifestyle, she is still a priority in your life.

20. Take her out

Regular date nights are a must! It doesn’t matter if you have dinner or go to see a movie; taking the initiative and setting up a date will her will make her feel very well taken care of. Men these days rarely do that, so make a difference!

I’ve got 50

 date ideas for couples hidden right here if you need some inspiration.

21. Pay for her drinks

Okay, this might be a little controversial in this day and age, but speaking from experience, I feel very good when my boyfriend offers to pay for my drinks. It sends me the message that he has the situation under control and establishes a sort of dominance in his character, which I am very attracted to. It could be just me, however.

22. Take care of her

Offer her your jacket when you see she is cold. Feed she’soup when she’s sick. Put a bandage on her wound when she accidentally cuts herself with the knife. Show her she can rely on you, and this will make her happy.

23. Get a dog together

Because, who doesn’t love dogs? Getting a dog together tells her you are so serious about your relationship that you are willing to commit to taking care of a fur baby for the next 14 years.

24. Respect her friends

Nothing will make your girlfriend happier than you getting along with the people she loves. So don’t cause scenes or get on the bad side of her friend group. Try to get along with them and see how this positively affects your girl.

25. Pick her up from work

Preferably combined with number 4 on this list. Surprising her by waiting for your girl outside of her workplace will surely bring a smile to her face but beware – she might expect you might be taking her somewhere special.

26. Surprise her

While on the topic of surprises – do them! Consistently! It doesn’t matter much if you spend a lot of money oyou’llrises, as you’ll notice that most of the time, your girlfriend can appreciate even the smallest of gestures.

27. Propose to her

Saving the best one for last, if your relationship is truly healthy and happy, you can’t go wrong with popping the question. Most girls dream of this moment since they were little, so experiencing this will likely cause tears of joy from her side.

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