2020 Polls About Performance, Not Manifestos – Nana Akomea

2020 Polls About Performance, Not Manifestos – Nana Akomea

The governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) says the 2020 election is about the performance of the two leading candidates and not their manifestos.

According to the party, manifestos can be written by any political party but delivering on those manifestos cannot be done by any political party.

The party added that it takes the credibility and integrity of presidential candidates to deliver on their promises.

The NPP made this known at a press conference organised today, Monday, September 21, 2020.

Nana Akomea, the Chief Executive Officer of the State Transport Corporation, who addressed the press conference urged Ghanaians not to take promises made by John Mahama seriously.

“John Mahama in 2016 said Ghanaians should be careful with promises made by people when they are out of government because they don’t know the reality. So today he is out of government and he is making promises. Do we take him seriously? He himself has instructed us (Ghanaians) not to take such people seriously because they don’t know the reality. What do we do? The track record is what we must look at, not your words.”

“So that is the choice that is before the people of Ghana because as for putting words in manifestos, every politician can do that but when you have somebody putting words in a manifesto but that has had a chance to be in government, then you have to measure the performance in government and not words in the manifesto,” Nana Akomea said.

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