1D1F Has Been Vindicative- Alan Kyeremateng

1D1F Has Been Vindicative- Alan Kyeremateng

The Trade and Industry Minister, Hon. Alan Kyeremateng has stressed that the One District One Factory program has been vindicated.

He explained that a section of Ghanaians has the perception that the program was initiated to only support new companies.

Hon. Alan Kyeremateng made this known to Wontumionline’s Nana Owusu Achiaw after inspecting the Darko Farms poultry processing plant on Day 2 of the President tour of the Ashanti Region.

He said the Darko farms established in 1967 wasn’t in production in 2017 when Akufo-Addo came to power.

“They brought an application for help and we were convinced and we procured a loan from Exim Bank to support them. Now Darko farms are back on its feet.”

The Trade and Industry Minister revealed that the processing plant can process over 20,000 birds in a day.

“If the government continues to support Darko Farms very soon we won’t export poultries,” he said.

Hon. Alan Kyeremateng added that should government keeps helping the farms it will boost the African Continental Free Trade which will not only see Ghana as the only beneficiary.

The Manager for the farms, Samuel Darko told Nana Owusu Achiaw that, the farms lack working capital for killing more birds.

“We have 200 growers which we give them feeds and chicks to rear and bring them back. We thank Akufo-Addo for supporting us,” he noted.

Samuel Darko was emphatic that Darko Farms was working again and urged Ghanaians to patronise the birds.

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